Distanced Learning Support Software

Distance learning has become very popular over the last few years, and even more so now, so having a reliable and user-friendly resource for both educators and students to use is essential. A recent project where we were able to put our development skills to the test was with Percorso, a distant learning software for a seminary school.

Check out Percorso here. Our client came to us with the need for a better online education platform that could meet all of their unique educational needs. This college’s curriculum relied heavily on field education, which can be hard to translate to online learning.

They needed to be able to provide feedback from their fieldwork to their advisors. With the tools we developed for them, they were able to establish the things that they wanted to accomplish at an educational level, on a personal level, and then track and reflect on that.

With this custom distanced learning software, we realized that it would be a great opportunity for all educational settings from pre-school to university. As we began to rely more on online learning, many students can feel like they are trapped on an island, try to learn in a totally new way. With these resources, teachers and advisors can help their students throughout the whole process, not just with a Zoom call.

Public Speaking Module

One of the modules that we built into this online learning platform was a public speaking module. This is extremely beneficial to students to help develop their soft skills and public speaking skills as well as their knowledge of a particular subject.

Learn More About Custom Online Learning Software

If you are looking to incorporate a better online learning software into your educational curriculum, Moreland Connect is here to help you and your students reach your goals and learn in the best way possible.

Contact us today to learn more!

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